Quick Hurricane Harvey Update & Status of Blog

Quick update:

My absence continues because things have escalated. My father had to be rushed back to ER with quick relapse to pneumonia and then was faced with a flooded hospital and evacuation to an ambulance by airboat.  What should have been a 90-minute drive to the nearest hospital that was still taking patients during Hurricane Harvey turned into a a 7 and one-half hour nightmare trip instead.  Thankfully he is doing better now and has been released from that very fine hospital in Bryan, Texas.

I have been dealing with house repairs plus my father's flooded apartment despite my continuing illness. Hoping that things return to normal soon, but I'm exhausted right now and I'm not as optimistic person as I was just two weeks ago. People here are being crushed right now. TV news people have eaten it up and done a pretty good job of covering it...but you really have to see it with your own eyes to get a sense of how hard it is just to go on.  And I have it so easy compared to most of my fellow Houstonians. We were lucky...be we are tired.

Stay safe, guys.
